Mittwoch, 18. Oktober 2023

On Reasons

The other day, when returning from a Swisscom shop, I got an SMS that asked how I rated the service that I had just received. Excellent, I replied. Please explain your reasons, I was the asked. Did they need an explanation for my being content with their service? Do they have a brain? And if so, are they getting payed for not using it?

Most people seem to believe that they know why they feel the way they feel. Well, they're wrong. They haven't the foggiest idea why they feel how they feel. In any case: There are no straight answers to why-questions that relate to feelings, there are just interpretations and rationalisations respectively.

I happen to believe that reasons are completely overrated for they can only be given in hindsight. We act – and then the consciousness kicks in and tells us why we acted the way we did. However, our brain doesn't give us the real reasons (if there are any), it tells us what we are able to understand – which is amazingly little and driven by the desire that it should make sense

I do not need reasons to feel shitty, I do not need reasons to feel splendid. I'm like any other being, a flower for instance, that doesn't need a reason to blossom. It does so because this is what flowers do.

Chur, Switzerland, 5 October 2023.

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