Sonntag, 19. Januar 2025


 As a youngster, I felt in need of role models. And, while they quite often disappointed me, the longing for identification was quite persistent.

Since I've reached old age, the glorification of individuals gets on my nerves Other illusions are also gone, among them the notion that successful people are smart. How poor in spirit must you be in order to be interested in success which in most cases means material success.

What this or that musician thinks, what this or that politician said, what this or that writer believes – I couldn't care less. Nowadays I despise attention seekers, I think them weak characters.

 A man who does not practise what he preaches has not understood what he preaches. In younger years such men and women made me angry, nowadays I focus on their wise words.The person who allegedly said wise words is totally irrelevant, what counts (if at all) are the words

The picture below I took on the morning of 2 January 2025. When later in the day I've decided to take another picture of this flower, it did not exist anymore. We all are like this flower: One moment we are here, the next we are gone.

By the way: The next morning the flower was back again, at the same spot. Whether it was the same flower, I do not know.

Santa Cruz do Sul, 15 January 2025

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