Sonntag, 16. Februar 2025

Attention Junkies

More-More-More is the basis of a modern life well-lived, as the ideologues and propagandists of consumerism do not tire to tell us. Not in these words, of course, instead they show us pictures that represent our longings. Pictures transport feelings, and feelings are an easy target because they are extremely difficult to control.

While the idea that nothing is ever enough is the motor of economic growth, it is also the mother of addiction.

Since addiction however is widely understood to be related to chemical substances, it is routinely overlooked that it is essentially an attitude that spells more-more-more.

It doesn't cease to baffle me that the attention that the media around the world give to the present American president is not seen as what it is: Pushers who deliver the daily attention doses this man cannot live without. They themselves also are addicted to attention; their business model makes them attention junkies.

As far as I'm concerned, I prefer to direct my attention to the wonders of nature.

Santa Cruz do Sul, Brazil, 3 February 2025

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